Forest Generator

Procedurally generated forest. Zero hand placement.

Procedurally generated forest. Zero hand placement.

1. Terrain Generation
2. Landscape material with UE4 Grasstype for small plants
3. Road tool, masks out forest footprint
4. Tree placement

1. Terrain Generation
2. Landscape material with UE4 Grasstype for small plants
3. Road tool, masks out forest footprint
4. Tree placement

1km x 1km

1km x 1km

In engine controls available to artist to tune forest generation.

In engine controls available to artist to tune forest generation.

Forest Generator

-Procedural Forest Generator built in Houdini and UE4
This was a self-directed R&D initiative aimed at proving out procedural pipelines and their efficacy at large scale iteration.
In less than 15 minutes I can generate a 1km piece of terrain and place trees on it with small shrubs in a natural way.

Built in Houdini and implimented into UE4 via Houdini Engine. Assets from MAWI Conifer Forest Pack.